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What causes us to be “isolated” and “lonely?” We say that we want friends and a relationship with someone, but we remain waiting, as if it’s supposed to drop out …

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How Fast It Goes

Do we really accept that our time on earth is short? Think about how fast life is going by. Are we moving with it or are we stuck in some …

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Accepting Someone Else

Why do we challenge another person concerning who is right or wrong when we disagree with how they are seeing something that we do not see? We immediately want to …

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No Mistakes

We must remember that there really aren’t any mistakes that we make in our lives, we only make only choices that we didn’t think through enough. We tend to rush …

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Negative Love

Why do we continue to love someone who clearly does not love us back? We try to be who that person wants us to be but we only feel ”abused” …

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Seeing Ugliness

The more we see ugliness in others, the more we need to be motivated to make ourselves better people who are filled with compassion and love. This is the way …

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Did we pray today or do we have to be reminded to give thanks for our lives? Why don’t we give thanks for what we have as of today? Is …

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How do I sound to you!

Do we ever listen to how we speak to the people that are around us? It can appear to be that every time we are in a bad place we …

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How sad it is that we do not take care of ourselves better! We want to be healthy and find happiness but there is always something that gets in the …